About Me

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I strive to create spaces that enable people to better coexist with the natural world. Currently residing in Philadelphia, PA, with 7 years of experience in the field of landscape architecture, I am attending the University of Pennsylvania to obtain a Masters in Landscape Architecture, focusing on urban resilience and environmental planning. I previously worked at Alta Planning and Design, where I designed bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure that allowed people to move throughout their environment without negatively affecting it through vehicular pollution. 

The work on this site showcases these bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure projects as well as past environmental design projects that were designed and constructed at my previous job, DuPage County Forest Preserve. In 2011 I completed a travel fellowship for the University of Illinois in the small African island of Sao Tome, the work derived from that year are also shown on the site. The projects created through these three experiences are separated into planning, design, and built work and they all aim to use design to lessen our affects on our environment as well as prepare us for a changing climate.